Get ready for spring and learn what to do with the seeds you picked up at Seed Swap! Join the Spiral Living Center on Saturday April 1 from 2-4pm at the Kerby Belt Building for a FREE “Introduction to Gardening” Workshop led by OSU Master Gardner & Food Preserver, Tracey Riggi. This workshop is open to all skill levels and is a wonderful starting point for beginners or those who would like to transition to organic practices.
You’ll learn basic techniques of sustainable gardening through a permaculture lens which include keyhole gardens, container gardens, planting in rows and raised beds. With 12 years of experience, Tracey will share tips and tricks on how to plan your space, assess what plants need, install basic irrigation, and plan for the long term! Learn how to move away from pesticides and herbicides through companion planting for insect and pest management. Come prepared with a notebook and pen.
Organic Seeds, Soil, and Pots will be available to all class participants! Walk away with planted seeds to fill your greenhouse! FREE English & Spanish 2023 Gardening Calendars will be available courtesy of the Food Hero Program from OSU Extension Service.
This class is FREE, but please register to hold your space by clicking “add to cart.” You will not be charged to register. Donations are always appreciated, and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. This workshop is hosted by Spiral Living Center, a 501c3 nonprofit organization serving the Illinois Valley since 2006. All donations aid us in fulfilling our mission to promote sustainable living skills.