Free with refundable $20 Reservation Fee. Tulelake, CA. Watch Golden Eagles in courtship flight, Great Horned Owls sleeping off the previous night’s hunting activity, and flocks of shorebirds on the edges of vast Klamath Lake. The mighty Klamath Basin teems with bird life in early spring: we hope to glimpse eagles, hawks, owls, shorebirds and other migrants as they forage and start to exhibit breeding behaviors. We might even have a surprising encounter with Sandhill Cranes, see a pair of Prairie Falcons dining on ground squirrels or an early flock of Mountain Bluebirds. We’ll focus on field identification and natural history during car trip birding in the Lower Klamath Lake area, the petroglyphs at Lava Beds and a possible drive into the Butte Valley in search of raptors. We will make frequent stops for field observation.
SFI: Raptors & Waterfowl of Lower Klamath Lake
SFI: Raptors & Waterfowl of Lower Klamath Lake
March 18, 2023 9:00 am - 3:00 pm $20.00