Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is a practical 16-hour course that prepares you to recognize and avoid wilderness hazards, and render first aid outdoors with whatever equipment you have or can improvise. Classroom lectures and demonstrations are combined with realistic scenarios to meet the needs of individuals playing, working, or living in remote locations far from medical care. WFA also prepares you for disaster situations, when the emergency medical services and hospitals you rely on are overwhelmed or inaccessible.
This class is designed to help you make logical connections (not just memorize lists) so that you understand what you are doing and why. How do the body systems work? What can go wrong with them because of injury, environmental stress, or a medical condition? How can you tell what the problems are? What can you do to treat the problems and stabilize the patient when you are far from help?
Textbook Wilderness First Aid 3rd Edition, by Steve Donelan, is included in the registration price.
Certification by the National Association for Search and Rescue is valid for 2 years and comes with a card, certificate, and patch. To be certified, you must:
– Attend and participate in the entire class
– Demonstrate the skills during class practice sessions.
Instructor Laurel Peña (she/her) was first certified as Wilderness EMT 14 years ago out of a desire to help others in her remote community on the Klamath River in Karuk Ancestral Territory. She now works as a Paramedic with Happy Camp Volunteer Ambulance and a Medical Assistant for the Karuk Community Health Clinic. Laurel weaves her experience as a Clinical Herbalist into her practice and teaching whenever possible, and is energized by helping people understand how their bodies work in an empowering way.
Visit our website to register for the class. Class is limited to 12 students, sign up soon to reserve your spot!
Wilderness First-Aid Certification Course – Spiral Living Center