Lightning Activity/Fire Starts/Resources Increased
Prospect, OR May 17, 2021 — The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest received a few lightning strikes and associated fire starts over the weekend.
On Friday/Saturday, firefighters responded to two lightning-caused fires on the High Cascades Ranger District. On Sunday, a fire prevention and Coos Forest Protective Association responded to a fire start on the Gold Beach Ranger District that was likely human-caused. All fires have been contained and were 1/10 of an acre in size.
The Josephine Fire was contained on May 13; remains at 22 acres in size and is being monitored on a daily basis. Several reconnaissance flights are scheduled to fly over the forest through Wednesday, until predicted moisture arrives.
“We’ve requested additional severity funding to increase our law enforcement and patrol resources,” said Acting Deputy Fire Staff (Operations) Mike McCann.
A Type 1 helicopter is on standby. In addition to the regular firefighting resources, the forest has two additional contract engines based out of the Wild Rivers Ranger District in Cave Junction.
Fire personnel are busy with preparedness reviews and coordination activities with cooperating fire response agencies.
“It’s shaping up to be a very dry summer; in fact, this is one of the driest years on record in over a hundred years,” said Deputy Fire Staff (Fuels) Rob Budge.
A weak front with precipitation is forecast to start on Wednesday, bringing cooler weather through the weekend. The forest is currently in IFPL Level 1 and public use restrictions are in place on a portion of the Wild & Scenic Rogue River. For more information on current restrictions, go to