Among the 39 recipients were Family Solutions, with $10,000 to improve their Grants Pass residential facility, the Rogue Valley Mountain Biking Association with $8,000 towards bike jump construction in Loveless Park, and Sunny Valley’s Friends of Country Living, which received $3,200 to purchase tables and chairs for community events.
“Four Way’s support of our project is much more than monetary. It brings encouragement, trust, and hope to the residents of Sunny Valley,” said Debra Lawwill, the Executive Director and grant writer for Friends of Country Living. “The advice and professional referrals I have received from Four Way’s staff and board have educated, motivated, and inspired me to be a better leader.”
In addition, over $5,000 will be given in local scholarships, and over $110,000 will be distributed as the proceeds from funds made by local people to provide for specific groups doing work of particular importance to those donors. Among those beneficiaries is the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley, which will receive over $35,000 in support, combined from from three legacy gifts.
By using the power of our own Four Way Community Foundation, local donors can turn their generosity and vision into better lives for countless others beyond their own lifetimes. To learn more about the Community Grants Program, make a donation, apply for grant funding, or to develop your own your own local legacy gift, visit the website at or call 541 474-9774.