Grants Pass— The Four Way Community Foundation welcomes nonprofit organizations in Josephine and western Jackson counties to apply for capital grants of up to $10,000 in its 2021 grant cycle.
The Community Grants application window opens Feb. 1 and closes April 1. Non profits in Josephine County and in Applegate, Ruch, Gold Hill, and Rogue River may qualify for grants of up to $10,000.
In 2020, Four Way awarded $326,000 in local grants and scholarships. Four Way’s Community Grants provide for capital expenses, such as computers, desks, access ramps, and building projects.
Organizations serving the intellectually disabled in Josephine County are invited to apply under the Rose Douglas fund, which also includes grants for operational expenses and staffing needs. The deadline for Rose Douglas grants has been moved to March 1.
New, small, innovative, and diverse nonprofits are especially encouraged to apply. All applicants must have a non-discrimination policy in place, and proof of support for the grant application by the agency’s board of directors. Details of all grant requirements and application forms are online at