Grants Pass, August 11, 2020 —Josephine Community Library is asking community members to answer questions on pre-stamped postcards that can be picked up from various locations around the county and mail them back by August 31 to help inform future program and purchase plans.
To supply the library board of directors with robust information necessary to establish long-term plans, the library is implementing a community needs assessment to determine how well the library’s collection and programs respond to the information needs of the community, especially underserved populations.
To learn more about residents’ priorities and aspirations, the library implemented a community postcard distribution. The postcards will contain the following questions with space for community member answers:
- One thing I wish I knew more about is…
- Name one thing that would make your life easier.
- What would make our community better?
- How do you spend your time/money?
Pre-stamped postcards can be picked up from the following locations in Josephine County: Boys & Girls Club of Grants Pass, Grants Pass Pediatrics, Old Town Mail House, Powderhorn Café, Robinson Orthodontics, Rogue Roasters, True Juice, and Siskiyou Pediatrics.
All responses are anonymous.
This annual community needs assessment is conducted as part of the Josephine Community Library Strategic Plan determined by the Board of Directors and the Oregon Library Association Public Library Standards.