Experience Rural Communities in Oregon with Community Website Partnership’s Summer Online Auction
(Oregon- statewide)- May 24, 2021
Recent wildfires and the COVID pandemic have made it more difficult for nonprofits serving rural Oregon to raise sufficient funds to continue doing their work serving Oregon communities. Local businesses are suffering, and it can be a challenge for folks living in rural Oregon to even find local businesses, get connected in the community with projects and volunteering, and find out what is happening and when. The Community Website Partnership’s 10 community websites serve over 185,000 rural Oregonians and work hard to address these economic and community-based challenges.
Our network of community supported websites provide: local events, volunteer matching, news, resources, and emergency info about Covid and wildfires. Community Website Partnership’s network of websites serving rural Oregon offers a free Directory and advertising services that help local businesses reach local audiences and build visibility across the state.
Community Website Partnership is helping to train, convene, and support nonprofits serving rural Oregon in Josephine County, Illinois Valley, South Coast, Sisters Country, Jefferson County, Klamath Region, and other areas across the state.
Check out Community Website Partnership’s Summer online auction which is live June 1-10th, 2021. It is a great time to learn how a network of networks can support each other while offering some really great auction items, reflecting the diverse and amazing rural communities in Oregon.
Featured items include: One hour lesson with Bandon Dunes Golf Pro Jake Sestero, Adventure in the Illinois Valley Package- stay, play, shop, and dine, Wildlife Safari 4 pack of passes, Ultra Deluxe Home/ Work Office Upgrade, Overnight Stay at Applegate Lodge, jewelry, artwork, and unique experiences, tastes, and more.
Preview starts now: https://www.32auctions.com/CWP2
Bidding is open Tuesday, June 1st to Thursday, June 10th at noon.
Live Event June 10th 5-6PM pacific via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89188240898 or Facebook Live: Community Website Partnership’s page
About Community Website Partnership:
Community Website Partnership helps strengthen rural, Pacific Northwest communities by promoting community awareness, connectedness, and community building. Our goal is to engage residents, nonprofits and businesses using our Community Website template and Partnership process to enhance community building and positive change.
Over 185,000 people in 10 rural communities throughout Oregon have access to information, and are knowledgeable about resources, businesses, events, news, activities, and available services thanks to Community Website Partnership. Community Websites provide locals with vital information including fire and safety updates and COVID resources and our Partnership learns and grows together to galvanize people into action for the greater good of all.
Brooke Nuckles Gentekos and Rhianna Simes, Co Directors [email protected] 802-342-1903 https://communitywebsite.org
Community Website Partners from throughout rural Oregon meet virtually to strengthen their communities through technology and locally-driven Community Websites.
Bid on Oregon-themed prizes during Community Website Partnership’s online Experience Rural Oregon Auction & Event June 1st -10th: www.32auctions.com/CWP2
Community Website Partnership
P.O. Box 1282
Medford, OR 97501