Cave Junction, Oregon – The National Park Service (NPS) has selected a preferred alternative
and finalized the Oregon Caves Fire Management Plan Environmental Assessment (FMP). A
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been signed that documents the decision of the
National Park Service to select the preferred alternative for the FMP. The statements and
conclusions reached in this FONSI are based on documentation and analysis provided in the
2022 Oregon Caves National Monument and Preserve, Fire Management Plan/Environmental
Assessment (FMP/EA). The preferred alternative is the Alternative 3, Manual & Mechanical
Under Alternative 3, Manual & Mechanical Treatments, fire management and forest resiliency
treatments will include wildland fire suppression, manual fuels reduction, pile burning and
broadcast prescribe fire, and mechanical reduction. This promotes ecosystem health and allows
the use of mechanical equipment in specific areas (e.g., slopes less than 30%, outside riparian
and sensitive habitat buffers and avoidance areas, with rehabilitation of all tracks/
ruts/depressions with appropriate erosion control measures). No commercial timber extraction
is allowed in this alternative.
The FONSI document is available at this link: