Slater Fire
Rapid Assessment Team Report
Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
Wild Rivers and Siskiyou Mountains Ranger Districts
November 2-3, 2020
This document makes a recommendation to the Forest on post-fire actions and helps assess various
options based upon a very rapid, preliminary, non-binding assessment of initial information. The Forest has the option to mix, match and create new options and will make the determination of how to move forward, in conjunction with the Forest Leadership Team, Regional Leadership Team and the Directors of Natural Resources (NR) and Resource Planning and Monitoring (RPM). The mission of the RAT during its November 2020 review was to help the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest assess salvage options and help prioritize post-fire restoration projects. Click the links below for PDFs of the documents.
Slater Fire: Draft Rapid Assessment Team Report_11-3-20