Business Oregon announced investments in seven rural community projects statewide through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The CDBG program supports the development of livable communities by expanding economic opportunities and providing suitable housing and living environments for persons of low and moderate income. The grants total $11,671,456, and will support seven cities.
“We work in partnership with rural Oregon communities to build stable, growing economies,” said Business Oregon Assistant Director Chris Cummings. “The projects these investments will support will do just that, they set the stage for long-term rural community prosperity in Oregon.”
Business Oregon administers the state of Oregon’s annual federal allocation of CDBG funds for non-metropolitan cities and counties. Oregon’s tribal communities, and urban cities and counties, are not included in the state’s program as they receive CDBG funds directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The following is the list of recipients in this round of funding.
City of Richland: The city of Richland owns and operates a public water treatment system which had compliance deficiencies related to potential cryptosporidium in the water supply and high copper levels detected at residences. The New Bridge Water District has requested to tap into Richland’s water supply when the New Bridge supply is low. The city of Richland agreed to provide enhanced treatment of the water supply and consolidate the water supply systems of the city and the district. After completion of the final design and environmental assessment, the city will use CDBG funding to construct the water treatment and expansion project.
City of North Powder: The city of North Powder’s wastewater treatment system was issued a warning letter to address compliance issues. The city will need to address deficient conditions with improvements to the collection system, existing treatment facilities, and determine where the infiltration and inflow leaking is occurring. After completion of the final design and environmental assessment, the city will use CDBG funding to construct the wastewater improvement project.
City of Union: The city of Union owns and operates a municipal water system. The city needs an upgrade to the water system’s electrical and control systems to ensure healthy drinking water that is free from any possible buildup of biological growth or mineral encrustation, which may discolor or flavor the drinking water. It will also ensure reliable services based on the city’s 2018 Water System Control and Backup Power Feasibility Study. After completion of the final design and environmental assessment, the city will use CDBG funding to construct well pump stations No.2 and No.3 and make improvements to the electrical and control system.
City of Elgin: The city of Elgin’s wastewater system was built in 1964 and experiences inflow and infiltration (I&I) from ground water sources. In February of 2017, the city experienced significant I&I resulting in a sanitary sewer overflow event into the Grande Ronde River. In July of 2017, the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) issued the city a warning letter for exceeding National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit requirements. In order to bring the city of Elgin’s sewer system into reliable and consistent compliance, the collection system requires significant rehab and replacement. After completion of the final design and environmental assessment, the city will use CDBG funding to complete the rehabilitation of the collection system to address the non-compliance within DEQ’s warning letter.
City of Cave Junction – Water: The city of Cave Junction will use CDBG funding to protect its current water resource and support reliable water sources for their existing users. The city is currently using a combination of surface water and groundwater as sources for drinking water. Restoration of the Rockydale Well will allow the city to secure its current water rights at the well property, provide an additional water source for the city’s existing water system, reduce overall water usage at the city’s intake from the Illinois River, provide an alternate source of water to the city’s existing water system, and will provide safe, potable water to a state park facility and to over 2,800 customers in the event of a catastrophic event to the existing intake.
City of Cave Junction – Library: The city of Cave Junction, in partnership with the Josephine Community Library District, will use CDBG funding to expand the current 4,264-square-foot library building by 1,515 square feet. The remodeled 5,779-square-foot library will include a dedicated community meeting space. The children’s space will be relocated, which will almost double the size of the area for children’s services and programs. Part of the renovation will include infrastructure for a teaching kitchen, dedicated restrooms for the children’s section of the library, and other necessary upgrades to the building.
City of Monmouth: The city of Monmouth was awarded CDBG funding to utilize a housing rehabilitation program that will provide grants used for home repairs to owner-occupied, low-moderate income households within Monmouth and the Polk Regional Collaborative (PRC) service area who are unable to qualify for financing. In partnership with other PRC members, this program could assist as many as 23 eligible households who have no other access to home improvement resources. This program provides the opportunity to support household health and safety while also preserving needed available housing in the PRC service area. Grant funds will be awarded to eligible applicants for making home repairs essential to preserving the structural and service integrity of each home.
More information on each of these projects, as well as full program information, is available at