Library Foundation exceeds fundraising drive goal thanks to the community

by | Jan 11, 2021 | Government and Politics, Nonprofit

Grants Pass, January 5, 2021 —Thanks to the generous response from the community, the library foundation surpassed the fundraising drive goal of $59,000, raising $61,000 by December 31.


Josephine Community Library Foundation raises funds to support innovative programs, new technology, and capital improvements that are beyond the reach of the library district’s regular tax-funded operating budget.


“Thank you to everyone who donated during our fundraising drive,” said Executive Director Rebecca Stoltz. “The community’s dedication and support for our libraries is unmatched. We greatly appreciate the community’s support.”


Sponsors for the foundation’s End-of-Year Fundraising Drive include Avista, Cauble, Selvig & Whittington, Hart Insurance, and Oregon Pacific Financial Advisors, Inc.


The Josephine Community Library Foundation is a nonprofit foundation established in 1987 to help keep viable and flourishing libraries available to the citizens of Josephine County. The Library Foundation raises money to help fund innovative programming, capital improvements, technology, and other special projects that are beyond the reach of the regular library budget. These resources enhance and improve the libraries in our community, supporting the library in building community and providing open access to information.



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