The Compassionate Presence Project: ( serving the Illinois Valley area)
This pilot project addresses older adults and adults with physical disabilities, experiencing social isolation, loneliness and depression, at end of life — by utilizing volunteers as “companions.” Drawing from the Compassionate Communities Model of Care, volunteers gain skills, knowledge and capacity in supporting people living with a life-limiting illness and living with loss.
Who is it for?
Older adults (60 +) or adults with physical disabilities living with a life-limiting illness (a life expectancy of 18 months or less), who are experiencing social isolation, loneliness, and other psychological/emotional distress.
Who are the volunteers?
Community members trained by professionals. All volunteers are vetted with a background check and receive comprehensive training and ongoing supervision.
This is a pilot project collaboration between The Older Adult Behavioral Health Initiative, The Peaceful Presence Project, Options for Southern Oregon and Illinois Valley Wellness Resources.
Contact person: Angela Franklin 541-450-2036 [email protected]