Are you a local minority business owner? Do you wish you had more support, more connections, or more resources? The Equity Project is working in...
IVCanDO is Hiring in the Illinois Valley!
Are you looking for an opportunity to make a difference in our community? IVCanDO is seeking a Project Manager to join our team to support some...
Main Street Cave Junction to Celebrate Small Business Saturday
Cave Junction, Oregon - The public is invited to celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 26th with a vendor fair located in the newly opened...
Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce 2022 Concerts in the Park Series
The Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce our 2022 Concerts in the Park Series will begin on Thursday July 7th at Jubilee Park in...
$380,000 Distributed to Small Businesses in Josephine County
CAVE JUNCTION, OR: As part of a federal coronavirus relief program, the Illinois Valley Community Development Organization (IVCanDO) distributed...
$380,000 available to mitigate effects of COVID-19 for small businesses in Josephine County
JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OR - The Illinois Valley Community Development Organization (IVCanDO) is pleased to announce a special grant opportunity for small...
RCC welcomes Small Business Development Center to Redwood Campus
GRANTS PASS — In spite of pandemic impacts, the Rogue Community College Small Business Development Center team helped 35 new businesses get started...
2021 Community Holiday Celebration
The Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce, with support from Oregon Caves Chevron, Illinois Valley Building Supply, Mary Reynolds Insurance, &...
Grocery Outlet Raises $3,000 and 1,300 Pounds of Food For the Illinois Valley During Annual Campaign
Partnering with local agencies to fight hunger in our community CAVE JUNCTION, OR - Cave Junction Grocery Outlet and Illinois Valley community...
New 2021 JoCo Relief Grant Funding Now Available to Josephine County businesses
Josephine County, Oregon – Over $1 million in grant funds has been earmarked to eligible businesses impacted by the lingering effects of COVID19 in...