Food & Agriculture
9044 Takilma Rd., Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
Spiral Living Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has served the Illinois Valley of Southern Oregon since 2006. Our mission is to promote sustainable living skills by offerin […]
PO Box 2622, Cave Junction, OR 97523, United States
Cave Junction Farmers' Market is not only a marketplace for local farmers, bakers, ranchers, artists and crafters, it is a place for community, art, music, families, connection and celebrat […]
3658 Upper River Rd, Grants Pass, OR 97528, United States
We exist to serve anyone facing food insecurity in Josephine County. Every month, we provide food for over 20,000 people through our partner organizations. Shockingly, over a quarter of tho […]
485 Daily Lane, Grants Pass, OR +97527, Grants Pass, Oregon 97527, United States
Daily Blessings Farm grows strawberries, vegetables and pasture raised layer poultry for eggs. Using organic growing strategies outlined by the National Organics Program, we practice regen […]
485 Daily Lane, Grants Pass, OR 97527, United States
The Josephine County Farm Collective connects community to local agriculture by providing increased access to a resilient local food system network with educational opportunities that promo […]
1760 lone mountain, Obrien, Oregon 97534, United States
Novium Folium Farm and Sanctuary ☆501c3 ☆92-1575485 ☆Animal Protection and Welfare Organization A New Leaf , Healthy Growth , Second Chances , New Beginnings . ☆ Farm Animal shelter /Re […]
Open Now
Free firewood from dead standing firs and pines in exchange for labor
272 North Old Stage Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
9044 Takilma Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
Frog Farm is a 10-acre permaculture farm in Takilma, Oregon, located at the base of Hope Mountain. It has evolved over the last 23 years with many helping hands from around the world. We gr […]
9044 Takilma Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
Siskiyou Mountain Herbs is a family business located at the Frog Farm in Takilma, 9 miles southeast of Cave Junction. We offer herbal consultations, handmade organic and wildcrafted product […]
307 South Junction Avenue, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
The Cave Junction Farmers' Market is a gathering of farmers, food producers, artists, musicians, and non-profits that meets to sell and share the fruits of their labors every Friday from 4- […]
221 Redwood Highway, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
Support the Watershed Council by buying Alevin wine from our sponsor, Bridgeview Winery: We receive $1 donation for every bottle sold.
9044 Takilma Road, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
Spiral Living Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving the Illinois Valley since 2006. Our mission is to create a sustainable, self-sufficient community in the Illinois Valley. […]
102 Redwood Highway, Cave Junction, Oregon 97523, United States
The IV SWCD offers locally led conservation in the Illinois Valley. We are farmers, ranchers, gardeners, horse owners, miners, loggers, and land owners working together for the health of t […]